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LK Ultra ferociously stand up for trans women in new single “Pussy Hat”

LK Ultra have never shied away from activism and human rights. Their knack for combining art and revolution comes to the forefront this week with

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Review: The Royal Chief – “Groundwork” EP

Slick beats and gorgeous harmonies are dripped all over the Groundwork EP, the latest from The Royal Chief. Opener “Fawkes Freestyle” gives a dripping metal

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The Sluts release new EP

If you miss sex, drugs, and rock and roll during the quarantine, The Sluts are here to fill that gaping hole (haha, ew) in your

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Bandcamp is waiving fees again, so here are some local artists with new music out

Once again, Bandcamp is waiving their revenue shares to help artists affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. The last time Bandcamp waived their fees during the

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Album Review: Ingrid Ingram – “Worried”

Crunching guitars smothered in fuzz kick off Worried, the new album from Ingrid Ingram. “Heavy Boots” slams into you with battering drums and swerving time

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Pala Zolo releases new track “You Can’t”

A few weeks ago, Pala Zolo had plans to pack up and head to LA. All that was put on hold after the COVID-19 pandemic

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Review: R.I.Peter – “Cruis’n / Rising Sun” Singles

Over the cold, cold winter I got to hear R.I.Peter (aka Peter Beatty) perform the two singles he’s releasing today. The cool, pulsing “Cruis’n” in

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The Sluts release new track “King Kong”

For those of us who are starved for the rock and roll regiment we normally subscribe to (but can’t due to the quarantine), The Sluts

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Album Review: Ben Sauder – “Puncture Electric”

Ben Sauder (who you likely know as No Magic), flips the switch with Puncture Electric, a collection of ambient and electronic tunes, with a surreal

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Album Review: Godzillionaire – “Negative Balance”

Heavy times call for heavy tunes. Leave it to Godzillionaire to provide the aggressive soundtrack you need to head bang into oblivion, all from the