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Listen: MellowPhobia release new album “The Act of Loving In Return”

It’s been a while since we’ve had a really well-produced local indie album come our way, but MellowPhobia continues to check all our boxes. The

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We are here for the new Creepy Jingles releases

The Creepy Jingles are hands-down keeping rock and roll alive in this region. The Kansas City band, fronted by eternal cool-girl Jocelyn Nixon, are frequent

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Dive into light-hearted pop with ASPN

Personally, I love things that are unapologetically feminine. That time in the late 90’s and early 2000’s where rom-coms ruled the movie theaters? Pink everything?

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Listen: The Roseline releases new protest song “Hang ‘Em High”

Lawrence loves a good roots band, and The Roseline is one of those leading the charge. But their latest album, Keystone of the Heart, takes