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The Top Ten Most Badass Things We Saw From Local Bands In 2019

You can’t say 2019 wasn’t without a few surprises! This was a year full of changes. We gained a new venue (hello, Kaw Valley Public

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No one had a better 2019 than Unfit Wives

Unfit Wives / Photo by John Knepper It's incredible to think of what a difference a year can make. Nearly three years ago, Jenna Rae
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Roots music rules right now in Lawrence

MAW / Photo by Fally Afani Bluegrass is always in style in Lawrence, but right now bluegrass is really in style. If you live in
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Split Lip Rayfield tore it up at Lucia

Split Lip Rayfield / Photo by Fally Afani To give you an idea of how it felt to go to Split Lip Rayfield's barn-burner-of-a-show on
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On most nights in Lawrence, you’ll find a folk jam

Gosh, folk music is just having a heyday in Lawrence right now. There’s a good chance that if you go out on most days in

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We couldn’t decide which local band to see Friday night, so we saw all of them

Friday night was a pretty banner night for the local music scene. There were so many good shows spanning so many genres and catering to
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Photo Gallery: The 2019 Lawrence Field Day Fest, Day 3

You, dear Lawrencian, have nothing to feel but the upmost enthusiasm at where the local music scene is headed. If the final day of Lawrence
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Photo Gallery: The 2019 Lawrence Field Day Fest, Day 2

The Midnight Devils / Photo by Fally Afani We came. We saw. We blazed with Jesus. Friday was one for the goths, wastoids, and gays
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Watch: Pala Zolo at Lucia

There’s a new electronic act in town, and so far they’re delivering. We introduced you to Pala Zolo last month with a stunning music video.