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After hiatus, Datura Records releases new music with MilkDrop

Datura Records, the label behind Approach and his wide network of local talent, hasn’t necessarily been laying low over the last year. Rather, the label

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Milkdrop tackles gentrification in new music video

Our album reviewer Nathan Cardiff couldn’t have described MilkDrop’s album, The Leavenworth Story, any better. In his album review, he states: “An epic in social

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Album Review: Milkdrop – “The Leavenworth Story”

How does one analyze The Leavenworth Story while attempting to do it justice? An epic in social commentary that at one time works on a local

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Photo Gallery: Serene Fiend / JC and the Nuns / Lincoln Marshall / UltraVivid

It was a fairly goth affair when Serene Fiend and JC and the Nuns teamed up for a double release show at the Replay Saturday
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Photo Gallery: Domineko / Ebony Tusks / Lincoln Marshall / Vivid Zebra

While Mother Nature brought out the worst in Kansas weather, an all-star hip-hop lineup brought out the best in audiences at the Replay on Friday
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MilkDrop releases “Season of Moments”

There are so many good hip-hop albums dropping at the end of the year, we can barely keep up. One of those albums is MilkDrop’s

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Photo Gallery: Stitch81Classic / Lincoln Marshall / Ricky Roosevelt

Stitch81Classic / Photo by Fally Afani If you like “good music, sex, and marijuana,” then you’ll probably love Stitch81Classic. When the rapper finally returned to
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Partners in Rhyme: How Lincoln Marshall are changing the hip-hop landscape in Lawrence

The rappers behind Lincoln Marshall have always been overachievers. In their solo careers— with Sean Hunt performing as Approach and John-Alan Suter as MilkDrop— their

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Watch: Lincoln Marshall release sexy new music video

One of the more memorable tracks off of Lincoln Marshall’s recent Water release finally has an equally provocative video to match. The hip-hop duo released