
Bands to look forward to in 2015

We don’t believe in making year-end “best of” lists because, quite frankly, they’re rude. It’s rude to compare bands against one another, because achievements come


Lusty Flowers releases local cover album

How was your holiday? Lusty Flowers spent the occasion recording a new album featuring covers of songs by local musicians. Semi-appropriately titled I Have No


Lawrence Field Day Fest accepting bands

We still have a long winter ahead of us, but here’s a little something to look forward to over the summer. Lawrence Field Day Fest


Twas the Night Before Christmas, Lawrence Edition (A Visit From St. Nicholas St. James)

Editor’s note: As you take off for the holiday (or if you’re soldiering through it), please enjoy this Lawrence version of “Twas the Night Before


Sedlec Ossuary release new song

Sedlec Ossuary is creating quite a buzz in this part of the state. They just leaked another song to the public ahead of their CD


Watch: Hidden Planets at the Replay

We caught a rare glimpse of Hidden Planets when they hit up the Replay over the weekend. Those who were suffering that pre-holiday rush quickly


Helen Kelter Skelter is everything that’s cool about rock and roll

You know, we were supposed to have the night off on Saturday. But we experienced a band so superb, we really can’t keep this secret

Album Reviews Articles

Album Review: The Dead Girls – “Noisemaker”

by Nathan Cardiff There have been many well-written write-ups lately celebrating the life and times of Lawrence’s The Dead Girls. And the band deserves many


I Heart Local Music reaches 1,000 Posts!

Welp, we did it. This is post number 1,000. I Heart Local Music had several homes before landing as an independent site. This music coverage