
The Top 10 Most Badass Things We Saw From Local Bands in 2015

Earlier this week, we told you about the ballsiest moves we saw from touring bands. It included anything from Mothercoat’s unforgettable Replay set to Viet


Lawrence feels the Bern with Arc Flash / CS Luxem / Westerners / La Guerre

Lawrence was definitely feeling the Bern on Wednesday as a group of musicians got together to raise money for Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders. There was

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Photo Gallery: Arc Flash / Leggy / Wendy Moira

Chalk it up as one of the wildest Replay shows of the year. As journalists, we don’t like to follow the same story over and

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Photo Gallery: Arc Flash / The Sluts / Cucumber and the Suntans

Everything about Saturday night’s show at the Replay felt just right. The night before saw several splendid shows across Lawrence, ranging from bluegrass to doo-wop.

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Photo Gallery: The Wheelers / My Gold Mask / Arc Flash / Leggy

Because Mark Osman doesn’t have enough jobs, he (once again) popped up in a brand new band over the weekend. This time, he sat in


Drummer Diligence: Why Mark Osman could be the busiest drummer you know

Never has there been a more admired drummer in the current local music scene than Mark Osman. All the drummers here are top notch, but

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The Coathangers deliver vigorous performance at the Jackpot with Arc Flash / Vedettes

There are bands that have forgotten how to have fun, and then there are Coathangers. These three punky garage rockers are entirely likable and very


Fans get freaky at Forever Fest

The Lawrence label boasting musicians that like to get weird lived up to its reputation on Friday. Whatever Forever held a mini festival of sorts


Friday Fracas: Night 2 of Field Day Fest was for rockers

Friday night was for the rockers at Field Day Fest. The second day of the local music festival played host to musicians from all sorts


Love Garden gets rowdy with Stiff Middle Fingers / The Bad Ideas / Arc Flash

It’s been a while since we’ve seen a good thrashing at Love Garden. Stiff Middle Fingers joined The Bad Ideas for a cassette release show,