Articles Interviews

The regional reach: Why Sub Pop is the label that wants you to “think local”

Editor’s note: I Heart Local Music spent time in Seattle this Summer and spoke with some influential players in the music scene. This is the


Sludgy and severe: an introduction to Amenaza

There was a lot of serious metal at the Jakckpot over the weekend, but you’ll want to take note of Amenaza. The Lawrence band is


Watch: Maps for Travelers at the Jackpot

If you’re not careful, you could quickly grow addicted to Maps For Travelers. The Kansas City band graced Lawrence with a show at the Jackpot


Watch Nicholas St. James nail this cover

If you like folk music, your cup runneth over in Lawrence. Additionally, folk musicians have fairly likable personas onstage. But Nicholas St. James has some


Championing music: How KEXP raises the bar for bands across the country

Editor’s note: I Heart Local Music spent time in Seattle this Summer and spoke with some influential players in the music scene. This is the

Articles Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery: Federation of Horsepower / People’s Punk Band / Vedettes

Photographer Leroy Pristach caught the rager at Frank’s over the weekend with Federation of Horsepower, The People’s Punk Band, and Vedettes. Photos below.


Watch: Shy Boys at the Replay

Well, boo. Summer is almost over, and to be honest it went by a little too fast. School’s about to start, Downtown is about to


Bummer releases music video

Everybody’s favorite angst-riddled headbangers just released a fun little video. The boys in Bummer recently wrapped up a summer tour, and their quick little jaunt


“Thanks For Everything.” Drakkar Sauna plays final show in LFK

On Friday night, every single seat in the auditorium of the Lawrence Arts Center was filled. People lined up against the walls in the back,


Watch: CS Luxem at the Replay

It wouldn’t be a proper Lawrence summer if we didn’t check in with CS Luxem. We found him in his natural habitat at the Replay