
Introducing: Cop Knock

This weekend, a brand spanking new band solidified their place in the scene with a ragingly stimulating performance at the Replay. Recently, the anticipation for


Bruiser Queen / Drop A Grand / Schwervon! electrify the Replay

Saturday night’s show at the Replay was not for the faint of heart. I Heart Local Music brought three exciting and vibrant acts together for


Photo Gallery: Vandals Summer Kamp Fest, Day 3

Unlike most festivals, Kamp Fest extended into a Sunday and ran well into the night (and then some). The final and third day of the


Photo Gallery: Vandals Summer Kamp Fest, Day 2

After a rowdy first day, the punk rock festival continued on at Vandals in Kansas City. Summer Kamp Fest successfully brought both touring and local


Photo Gallery: Vandals Summer Kamp Fest, Day 1

Kansas City played host to a punk festival so outrageous, it could only be held at Vandals. The small venue saw dozens of bands over


Watch: Sneaky Creeps at the Replay

Sneaky Creeps is not for the faint of heart. Toeing the line between trash rock and stoner rock, the Kansas City punk rockers are notorious


Red Kate featured on impressive punk roster for Vandals Summer Kamp Fest

It’s a pretty good time to be a punk in Kansas City. Bands are growing and landing shows, a new venue has solidified a home


Watch: The Big Iron at the Replay

If you want to know what raw and dense energy looks like, look no further than The Big Iron. The Kansas City-based punk band, thick


KTP plays final show at the Replay

While Lawrencians were proudly celebrating America’s birthday with plenty o’ pyro, the Replay was bidding a fond farewell to one of the best punk bands


Support and collaboration results in spectacular finish for Lawrence Field Day Fest

We’re calling it. This is the best Lawrence Field Day Fest in the history of the event, and quite possibly the best local music event