Articles Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery: Bully / Heat / Fake Limbs

To quote Diana Vreeland, I loathe nostalgia. I can’t stand the way the entertainment industry preys on my generation’s unwillingness to move forward and observe

Articles Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery: Pink Royal / Sharp 9 / Spencer Mackenzie Brown / Toy Cartel

Saturday night was dance band night at the Pink Royal album release party at the Granada.  The night arrived complete with a stageful of balloons


Oils takes shape

While Lawrencians spent Valentine’s Day doting on each other, a very affectionate atmosphere was brewing at Love Garden. Oils, the sole band performing that night


Photo Gallery: Love Garden’s 24th Anniversary Celebration

The only way you can get such a wide range of scenesters out to the Granada at 4:00 p.m. on a Sunday for a ten-band


Photo Gallery: Hello Biplane / Allison O. and Friends

A long-overdue weekend of beautiful weather ended on a high note for music lovers in Lawrence when Hello Biplane returned for a homecoming show at


The Replay celebrates 20 tenacious years

Congratulations, Replay. Your entertaining, memorable, and shameless good times have officially lasted two decades. What better way to celebrate than with a show just as


Keeping up the pace: The ACBs / Ghosty team up for Taproom show

Slowing down is not an option for Andrew Connor. The Kansas City musician is currently playing in four bands, and two of them are set