Last Friday was “Stop Day” here in Lawrence. For those of you at a loss as to what that means, it’s the last weekday before finals or, in the words of one de-stressing KU student, “NO MORE SCHOOL! WOOOOO!”

To commemorate such a sacred day, I Heart Local Music asked The Jackpot to host Schwervon!, Spencer Mackenzie Brown, and Narkalark for the evening.

Schwervon!’s amateur poet / sound nerd lead singer, Matt and d.i.y. mc/ choreographer drummer, Nan brought their KC brand of indie rock and roll along with a little impromptu poetry reading and interpretive dancing. Spencer Mackenzie Brown and his incredible, David Gray-laced sound gave us all chills, while Narkalark delivered jam band vibes with an electronic twist and coupled it with lots of crowd participation (at one point, Narkalark had the crowd buzzing like bees and growling like bears.)

Now, if only we didn’t have to wait a whole other semester for the next Stop Day.

Words and photos by Leroy Pristache



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