We’ve been in this business a long time, and we’ve yet to see someone command a room with just their voice the way Spencer Raymond does. The moment this man fires up a set, everyone (every gender) wants to start throwing their unmentionables at the stage. He’s got the voice of a siren, and it can bring a room to their knees.
So it’s no surprise that his latest EP, Plotlines starts out strong with longing love ballad “Payload.” From there, it’s one lustful and longing number after another before slowing down into the synth-powered “Rewind,” which is thick with the falsettos audiences have come to love Spencer Raymond for. On this EP, he teamed up with electronic mastermind Alex Calhoun (born out of the Vivid Zebra era of the Lawrence scene). Together, their sound draws on influences ranging from Frank Ocean to The Weeknd.
If you’re looking for baby-making music with early R&B influences on a modern-day sound, Plotlines is for you.