The Flaming Lips at KanrocksasLiberty Hall is throwing one big party, and you’re invited.
The venue/theatre is celebrating its 100-year anniversary with a massive two-day concert featuring everybody’s favorite party band, The Flaming Lips. The two-night celebration runs Thursday, June 21, through Friday, June 22.
Dancers with the Flaming LipsThere really is no better choice for a two-day celebration than The Flaming Lips. Last year they helped headline the Kanrocksas music festival, and came equipped with dancers, confetti, giant hands that shoot lasers. The band’s drummer, Kliph Scurlock, is also a native Lawrencian (but you already knew that). Besides, it just wouldn’t be a Lawrence summer without an appearance from the Flaming Lips (or a surprise visit from Wayne Coyne).
Organizers will announce other bands (as well as party activities) at a later date. In the meantime, start digging those quarters out of the couch for tickets.
Fally Afani is an award-winning journalist with a career spanning more than 20 years in media. She has worked extensively in radio, television, newspapers, magazines, and more.