Brendan Costello
Name: Brendan Costello

Bands: Fourth of July, The Dactyls (guitar, vocals)

Book: Ender’s Game (Orson Scott Card)

“I’m a sci-fi nerd and secret video game enthusiast, so when I read (which I don’t), I tend to go for science fiction novels about kids playing video games and saving the Earth from aliens. Ender’s kicks a whole lot of ass in that department Don’t get me wrong; I like the classics (I almost put Lolita down, but the Russians are boring). However, I think I’ve read Ender’s Game more than any other book, which other than the forced reading I was put through in college, is also the only book I’ve actually read. Me fail English, uh oh.”

Movie: Boogie Nights

“Call me a freak, but P.T. Anderson’s opus about the porn industry keeps getting better with each subsequent viewing. The screenplay, the ad-libs, the soundtrack, the cinematography all work so well together. I mean that ‘shit’s jammin. Start down low with a 350 cubed, 3 and a quarter horse power, 4 speed, 4 ten gears, ten coats of competition orange, hand rubbed lacquer with a dual-plane manifold: full fuckin’ race cams.'”

Video Game: Red Dead Redemption

“Grand Theft Auto is cool, but riding horsies and shooting people with your six-shooter is just soooooo romantic. SEGA!”


“The people who run this website pillage bargain bins of VHS tapes, condense them into 3-minute chunks, and upload them for your extreme viewing pleasure. Where else can you find shit like A Dog Milking a Goat or DOLPHIN WEDDING? Thanks internet!”



Fally Afani is an award-winning journalist with a career spanning more than 20 years in media. She has worked extensively in radio, television, newspapers, magazines, and more.

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