Last week we debuted a new segment in an attempt to bring a variation of live music to the masses during the quarantine. Driveway Sessions showcases musicians playing from their porches/driveways/patios, while we photograph and video them from a very safe (and CDC-recommended) distance.

This week, we’re enjoying the sounds of Clark Jamison and his handpan. Now, if you don’t know what a handpan is, it’s the most soothing sound in the damn town. The percussionist and multi-instrumentalist can make music out of just about anything (over Easter weekend, he turned a chocolate bunny into a flute), but the handpan is where he really shines. Here he is channeling all the Zen and playing from the porch of his home (lovingly nicknamed The Om Depot) on a very windy day.

If you want to hear that specific song in its full, ten-minute glory, we’ve embedded it below:

And just for kicks, here is his other band the Rhythm Riders playing… corn?… on their bikes:



Fally Afani is an award-winning journalist with a career spanning more than 20 years in media. She has worked extensively in radio, television, newspapers, magazines, and more.

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