
June 8


08:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Event Website

i’m announcing a run of 5 livestreams where i play all 5 of my albums in their entirety. this idea was born as a way to help support my band & crew through this time where we’ve had to cancel & move shows thus causing a huge financial burden. i’m also donating a portion of the ticket sales to indie promoters around the country who have been so warm & hospitable to me over the years but are now facing a huge strain on their business. i’ve wanted to go back into my catalog & play some of the deep cuts for a while & this seems like a perfect way for me to do it. join us every monday in june xoxo katie

Tickets are also available through these promoters
Asbury Lanes (Asbury Park, NJ)
The Bowery Presents (Asbury Park, NJ)
The Grey Eagle (Asheville, NC)
Barracuda (Austin, TX)
Handsome Tours (Australia)
Ottobar (Baltimore, MD)
Mid City Ballroom (Baton Rouge, LA)
Sled Island (Calgary, AB)
Thalia Hall (Chicago, IL)
BravoArtist (Columbus, OH)
Beachland Ballroom (Cleveland, OH)
Third Man Records (Detroit, MI)
Satellite (Houston, TX)
DSP Shows (Ithaca, NY)
White Eagle Hall (Jersey City, NJ)
The Granda (Lawrence, KS)
Sid the Cat (Los Angeles, CA)
PTG (Milwaukee, WI)
BSTB (Montreal, QC)
Third Man Records (Nashville, TN)
Stuart’s Opera House (Nelsonville, OH)
Manic Presents (New Haven, CT)
1% Productions (Omaha, NE)
Proud Larry’s (Oxford, MS)
R5 (Philadelphia, PA)
Spirit Hall (Pittsburgh, PA)
The Rex Theater (Pittsburgh, PA)
LiveNation (Pittsburgh, PA)
Andy Warhol Museum (Pittsburgh, PA)
Monqui Presents (Portland, OR)
3S / Press Room (Portsmouth, NH)
The Broadberry (Richmond, VA)
The Casbah (San Diego, CA)
folkYEAH! Presents (San Francisco, CA)
STG Presents (Seattle, WA)
Margin Walker Presents (Texas)
Club Congress (Tucson, AZ)
9:30 Club (Washington, DC)
Waking Windows (Winooski, VT)
Colony (Woodstock, NY)



Fally Afani is an award-winning journalist with a career spanning more than 20 years in media. She has worked extensively in radio, television, newspapers, magazines, and more.

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