There was a time when psych rock ruled the local music landscape in Lawrence. But then COVID hit, and the landscape changed. Some bands dropped off, but some emerged reborn under new identities. This is how we’ve come to love and appreciate the dedication Day Sleeper is bringing to the scene.
Comprised of members of JC and the Nuns (Allison Meyer on vocals, Sean Wilson on drums, Max Yoder on bass, and Jake Little on guitar), the band just released “In the Garden,” a slow burn of a sludgy song repurposed from an older JC and the Nuns release that didn’t quite see the light due to the pandemic. Don’t be surprised if your heart rate accelerates the more the song goes on, this is how the band has mastered the art of the build up.
You can listen to the new track below, and see them at the Replay with Greg Wheeler and the Poly Mall Cops and Whippets on Saturday.