Comic-cons and fan conventions are the funnest thing on Earth (and space). Anyone who disagrees is a liar, a poser, and I find your lack of faith disturbing. So it’s no surprise that when 1313 Mockingbird’s owner, Terry Taylor, decided to throw a concert to celebrate the store’s five-year anniversary, it felt less like a show and more like a convention, making it one of the funnest events of the year.
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Immediately upon arrival at the Granada, you were greeted at the door by some droids. After a few friendly beeps (and the occasional scream) from R2-D2, fans entered a nerd’s paradise. There were comic book sellers, air-brush tattoo stations (Tattoine stations?), a photo booth station (get your photo taken with Vader!) and nerf-herders as far as the eye could see. We even saw someone in full Darth Maul makeup IN THAT HEAT. It was fun as hell, and these were definitely the nerds you were looking for.

The first band, Full Metal Z, was zombie-themed and entered the stage in full zombie mode. The drummer tumbled onstage first, hissing and dripping blood while startling everyone. The rest of the band slowly limped to their positions, but soon a zombie came and attacked one of the vocalists. Such dramatic theater! We love it!

Galactic Empire came on, fully masked and in costume, and played a suh-WEET series of metal Star Wars medleys. The stage was decorated a bit like the Death Star, and the laser light show sealed the deal. Wars not make one great, but thrilling metal shows they do make.