If you’ve ever wondered what happens when you let one of Lawrence’s best guitarists run wild with an array of musical sounds at their disposal, we’ve got an idea now. Bradley McKellip has just released elegies, a five-track dreamy soundtrack to hazy Kansas summers.
McKellip is best known as a guitarist-about-town, most often seen shredding with The Roseline. With elegies, we’re treated to McKellip’s knack for a good guitar ditty as well as some sweeping synth sounds to back it up. While this is a strictly instrumental EP (McKellip recorded every instrument himself), there are tones of intense reflection in the music. Not every musician can communicate a theme without lyrics, but McKellip is mastering the art of it.
Favorite tracks: “black dog” and “elegy for the last korean restaurant in town.”
Bradley McKellip plays the early Replay show on Sunday, April 2, with Tori Brooks and the Meltdowns and Public Speaking.